
Featured in Techmeme’s List of Nationally-Significant Tech Conferences

With more than 60 events since 2013, TechFire has been recognized in Techmeme’s list of nationally significant tech conferences. Our events feature high-profile founders, leading VCs, and senior executives from blue-chip giants.

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Featured in Techmeme's list of nationally & internationally significant tech events, TechFire has hosted more than 60 events featuring titans of tech, from high-profile founders to leading VCs and senior executives from blue chip giants.

From talks by leading VCs and founders from Silicon Valley and San Francisco, to intimate fireside chats hosted by companies like Google, our events provide a great chance to network with tech leaders and to hear from some of the biggest names in the startup world.  We partner with Fortune 500 companies and leading brands who sponsor our events, and TechFire also consults for governments, helping them build thriving startup ecosystems.

Sign up for our mailing list to receive invites. 


Past Highlights:

2022: web3 Summit in Santa Monica

TechFire hosted a two day web3 summit in Santa Monica, called NFT Next Fest, plus experts on DeFi and DAOs.

2021 & 2020 Online Events

During the pandemic, we’ve seen tremendous engagement with our online events, featuring speakers like Congressman Adam Schiff and Felicis Ventures Partner Victoria Treyger. Special thanks to the City of Burbank, DLA Piper, CMBG Advisors, and Lewis Brisbois for making these online events possible.

VIDEOS: View archived videos of our Zoom events on YouTube.

2019 LA Tech Awards,
at SoFi Stadium Premiere Center

In late 2019 we presented the LA Tech Awards, featuring a keynote by Sequoia Capital partner Shaun Maguire, and winners like Honey (fresh off their acquisition by PayPal for $4 billion, MuckerLab’s Erik Rannala, and more. Special thanks to Baker McKenzie for sponsoring, and SoFi Stadium Premiere Center for hosting.

Fall 2019 Conference in San Francisco:
What’s Next for Tech, the Economy, and Mobility

In partnership with Presenting Sponsor Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, we presented our Fall 2019 summit in San Francisco, hosted by Accenture Labs in Salesforce Tower. For more information, visit

Spring 2019 Conference in LA:
What’s Next for Tech, the Economy, and Mobility

In partnership with our sponsors Accenture, Fenwick, Spin (Ford), and SCAG, our Spring 2019 summit, at USC’s Institute for Creative Technology in Playa Vista, featured a jam packed agenda looking at the forces shaping tech, the economic outlook, and the future of mobility. For more information, visit

The Micromobility Revolution (2018 in LA)

In partnership with our sponsor Lyft, we convened a “scooter summit” hosted by Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's Office atop L.A. City Hall keynoted by Obama’s US Secretary of Transportation, Anthony Foxx (now Chief Public Policy Officer at Lyft). For more information, visit

Summit on the Self-Driving Car Revolution (2017 in LA + Broadcast Nationally on C-SPAN)

Thanks to everyone who attended our standing-room only summit on the Self-Driving Car Revolution, and to Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's office for generously hosting the event atop Los Angeles City Hall. The event was broadcast on national TV, on C-SPAN -- view the video here.   For more information about the summit, see


DLA Piper & TechFire Present:

In 2020, we’re partnering with DLA Piper on a series of three events via Zoom Webinar, and in in 2019, we partnered with DLA Piper for an event with CAA’s Michael Yanover, moderated by DLA Piper’s Patrick Anding. Details.

L.A. Fireside Chat & Event Series Sponsored by Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

Since 2014 we have been honored to partner with Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati as presenting sponsor for more than twenty events in Los Angeles.

Recent Highlights:

Starting in 2014 and for several years, we hosted fireside chats with leading venture capitalists and founders, then in 2017 we evolved the fireside chat series into a new series of thematic events, called the Road to Series A, designed to help founders prepare build and grow their startups, from scratch, to Series A funding. Each 2017 event focused around a different topic: In December, we focused on Building a Team.   Before that, on September 13, we talked growth strategies, featuring Greylock Partners' Casey Winters, an advisor to Airbnb, Reddit, Tinder, Eventbrite and other leading companies, and the former Growth Lead for Pinterest. On July 26, we focused on seed funding, and on April 19 at Google LA we looked at  product/market fit.

We have a long history of events, going back to 2014. For just some of these events, visit our profile on Eventbrite


Pitch Fests, Tech Summits, and Tech Talks in Burbank

Since 2015, we have proudly partnered with The City of Burbank, to present tech summits, pitch fests, and tech talks:


Events in Partnership with the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority:

TechFire and the Fairfax County [Virginia] Economic Development Authority (FCEDA) have partnered together to present events in 2018 and 2019 in Los Angeles. Thanks to Microsoft for hosting our events at Microsoft Technology Center Los Angeles (in Playa Vista)!



Featuring founders, CEOs, and executives from some of the hottest startups around, and VCs from Silicon Valley's leading venture capital firms, and more.  The following is a just a partial list of some of our past speakers:






Featured in Techmeme's list of nationally– and internationally–significant tech events.

News, Commentary & Analysis From TechFire

Sponsorships Available

Learn how you can join our past sponsors like DLA Piper, Fenwick & West, Accenture, Baker McKenzie, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, Deloitte, EY, and CBRE -- for sponsorship inquiries, email